

Did You Know

  • Pomelo peel can be used for the production of marmalades or consumed in combination with chocolate. It is also used as seasoning for dishes made of meat.

  • Pomelo flowers are used in the industry of perfumes.

  • Leaves of pomelo tree and rind of fruit are boiled and used for ritual cleansing of the body and protection against evil spirits in China.

  • Pomelo is usually consumed raw, in the form of fruit salads, juices, and alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. It is also used as an ingredient of various sweet and salty dishes, especially in the Asian cuisine

  • Grapefruit is an hybrid produced by crossbreeding of pomelo and orange. Tangelo is hybrid produced by crossbreeding of pomelo and tangerine.

Health Benefits

  • Pomelo is an excellent source of vitamins C and A, dietary fibers and minerals such as potassium, iron and calcium. One quarter of pomelo provides 130% of daily requirements of vitamin C. Pomelo is low-caloric fruit. One quarter of pomelo contains only 60 calories.

  • Pomelo has six grams of fiber per serving. Most people need about 25 grams per day, so a serving of pomelo fruit can give you almost a quarter of your daily fiber intake.

  • Pomelo contains relatively few calories per serving. If you’re trying to lose weight, foods like pomelo can let you increase the amount of food you eat without increasing the amount of calories.

  • The protein and fiber in pomelo help you feel full for a longer time. That reduces cravings and ultimately means you take in less calories.

*Disclaimer: Please seek professional medical advice for a diet that fits your needs.



