Horned Melon


Did You Know

  • The scientific name of Horned melons is Cucumis metuliferus and it is from the family Cucurbitaceae, the family of gourds.

  • Horned melons are a variety of melon that are native to much of Africa, though not in the northern regions.

  • The water content of a Horned melon can be up to 90 percent, and the fruit is generally available in the summer months.

  • Horned melons have flesh of a translucent green colour with a jelly-like consistency, similar to the innards of a cucumber.

  • ‘Horned melons’ are also known as ‘kiwanos’, ‘melanos’, ‘hedged gourds’, ‘jelly melons’, ‘African horned cucumbers’, and ‘African horned melons’.

Health Benefits

  • Horned melon is mainly comprised of water and relatively low in calories, carbs, and fat. About 16% of its calories come from protein — which is relatively high compared to other fruits.

  • Horned melon is not only nutritious but also offers several potent antioxidants — many of which are nutrients themselves.

  • Horned melon contains magnesium and zinc — two minerals that are closely related to mental health and healthy brain function maintenance.

  • Horned melon has a low glycemic index, meaning it doesn’t cause a significant spike in blood sugar after you eat it. Additionally, it’s a rich source of magnesium — a mineral that’s directly involved in the metabolism of glucose (sugar) and insulin.

  • Horned melon is a good source of iron and provides about 13% of your daily needs.

*Disclaimer: Please seek professional medical advice for a diet that fits your needs.




Jelly Coconut