Golden Kiwi


Did You Know

  • One serving of Golden Kiwi is 2 pieces of fruit. In this amount you get triple the amount of vitamin C as you would in a medium-sized orange. Vitamin C is KEY for babies and kids, since it promotes absorption of that all-important mineral iron.

  • You can eat the skin of the Golden Kiwi fruit. This is because Golden Kiwifruit have smooth, hairless skin, they’re perfectly fine to eat.

  • One of the easiest ways to enjoy a Golden Kiw is to cut it in half and scoop out the bright yellow flesh. Don’t forget you can eat the skins too, but for your earlier eaters you’ll probably want to dig out the fruit part first and leave the skins on for when they get a little older.

  • One of the cool things about Golden Kiwi is that in a 2-piece of fruit serving, there’s as much potassium as you get in a medium-sized banana.

Health Benefits

  • It’s thought that the high amount of vitamin C and antioxidants that kiwis contain can actually help treat people with asthma. 

  • 1 cup of kiwi provides about 273 percent of your daily recommended value. Vitamin C is an essential nutrient when it comes to boosting your immune system to ward off disease. 

  • Kiwis have plenty of fiber, which is already good for digestion. They also contain a proteolytic enzyme called actinidin that can help break down protein. 

  • Not only can kiwi fruits provide an extra boost to our immune system, they can also help us to manage our blood pressure.

*Disclaimer: Please seek professional medical advice for a diet that fits your needs.



