Red Banana


Did You Know

  • Red Bananas are a subgroup of bananas from Southeast Asia with red skin

  • Red Bananas are soft and have a sweet flavor when ripe. Some people say they taste like a regular banana, but with a hint of raspberry sweetness. Ripe Red Banana peel becomes darker or populated with brown spots. This is the sign that the banana has reached the right degree of ripeness and is ready to eat.

  • Among other things, the nutrients in Red Bananas may contribute to improved heart and digestive health when eaten as part of an overall healthy diet.

  • Red Bananas have a taste very similar to that of yellow bananas, with a slight hint of raspberries. In Central America, red banana juice is considered an important (and effective) aphrodisiac, while in India this type of banana is a symbol of fertility. The main world producers are Thailand (where it is used to prepare green curry), Ivory Coast, Colombia and Ecuador.

Health Benefits

  • A small Red Banana only has about 90 calories and consists mostly of water and carbs. The high amounts of vitamin B6, magnesium, and vitamin C make this banana variety particularly nutrient dense.

  • Potassium is a mineral essential for heart health due to its role in regulating blood pressure. Red Bananas are rich in potassium — with one small fruit providing 9% of the RDI.

  • Red Bananas contain carotenoids — pigments that give the fruits their reddish peel. Lutein and beta carotene are two carotenoids in Red Bananas that support eye health.

  • Like most other fruits and vegetables, Red Bananas contain powerful antioxidants. In fact, they provide higher amounts of some antioxidants than yellow bananas

  • Red Bananas are rich in vitamins C and B6. These nutrients are essential for a healthy immune system




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