Discover the Benefits of Mangosteen - The Queen of Fruits

Mangosteen is a tropical fruit native to Southeast Asia, it has been used in traditional medicine for its healing properties. Today, it is gaining popularity worldwide due to its nutritional values and health benefits, making mangosteen one of the world's superfruits. Known for its anti-inflammatory properties, mangosteen is an ideal choice for those looking to improve their overall health.

From boosting immunity to aiding digestion, this incredible fruit has so much to offer. With its sweet flavour and many health benefits, it’s no wonder this tropical fruit has become so popular.

It has a unique flavour and texture that makes it a favourite among connoisseurs of tropical fruits, but there's more to mangosteen than just its delicious taste! It is rich in vitamin C, vitamin E, copper, manganese, magnesium, and other essential nutrients that are beneficial for our bodies. Furthermore, mangosteen also contains several anti-inflammatory compounds that can help reduce inflammation and boost our immune system. 

The vitamins and minerals found in mangosteen are important for maintaining many bodily functions, such as DNA production, muscle contraction, wound healing, immunity, and nerve signalling.

To spot the freshest mangosteens, ensure the rind is purple and squidgy and the leaves are green (the greener the better). When the rind hardens, this usually indicates the fruit is overripe.  

To get to the delicious fruit, cut around the equator of the mangosteen with a serrated knife, and open. The rind is inedible and can be discarded, but the inner juicy white flesh can be eaten raw or added to smoothies or tropical fruit salads for a delicious boost of flavour.

The benefits of mangosteens date back centuries. As far back as the 15th-century records show Chinese herbalist, Yingya Shenglan, described the use of mangosteen for treating skin disorders and digestive ailments. In traditional medicine, the bark of the tree was believed to be good for leather tanning, and other apomictic plants were used in treating various illnesses. Today, mangosteen is still used in traditional medicine, but it has also become popular in modern day health and wellness products. From dietary supplements to beauty products, mangosteen is being used to promote health and wellbeing. As such, its traditional use has evolved into a modern-day phenomenon that people around the world are using to improve their lives. 

Five fun and interesting facts about mangosteens:

  1. Mangosteens are rich in powerful antioxidants 

    They contain several nutrients with antioxidant capacity, such as vitamin C, folate, and xanthones. Xanthones are a unique plant compound known to have strong antioxidant properties. In various scientific studies, it is said the antioxidant activity of xanthones has resulted in anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, anti-aging, and anti-diabetic effects.

  2. Mangosteen supports blood sugar control

    Studies show that xanthone compounds in mangosteen help maintain healthy blood sugar levels. The fruit is also a good source of fiber, a nutrient that can help stabilise blood sugar and improve diabetes control. The combination of the xanthone and fiber contents in mangosteen may help balance blood sugar levels. 

  3. Mangosteen trees are forever green!  

    Mangosteen is an evergreen tree which means the leaves stay green all year round. The tree has a dense, roundish crown and can reach 20 to 82 feet in height.

  4. Mangosteens can support your weight loss goals.  

    They are low-calorie, cholesterol-free and packed with powerful fat-burning Xanthones. Regular consumption promotes weight loss and overall wellness.

  5. Mangosteen is known as the Queen of Fruits.  

    The fruit has adopted this name due to all the amazing health benefits it offers.  Given its exceptional nutritional value, the mangosteen deserves its Queen of Fruits title.


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